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Government: What Went Wrong?


Peter Morris

October 25, 2024


We’re all well aware of the Conservatives’ shortcomings. Promises made, promises broken. Manifesto commitments and policies never carried to fruition. Fighting with each other like rats in a sack. Conspiring to ensure Brexit was and is a shambles. Colluding with the EU to make sure Britain is a worse place, not better.


I hear jeers and sneers all the time proclaiming that “Brexit isn’t working is it?” They’re right.


No, it isn’t working. It isn't because we have a weak kneed ‘Brino’ - Brexit in Name Only. EU rules left on our statute books; constant meddling by Ursula Von der Leyen and other EU zealots; the Irish conundrum still unresolved; fishing rights, still not returned to UK fishermen; following EU directives, to our detriment.


Subservient to the ECHR; whereas other countries in the EU, should they choose, just ignore the ECHR, but we have to work to the letter regarding everything - the good ol’ British sense of fair play and doing the right thing.*


For me it all started with David Cameron. He campaigned relentlessly to remain in the EU. He had the media on board, he was frightened witless of Nigel Farage getting a foothold in Parliament or having any kind of influence. He was utterly convinced the British public would vote massively in favour of remaining. That didn’t work out too well did it? Never mind the percentages. He lost. Then he simply ‘ran away’ (His ghost was much later resurrected by Rishi Sunak making him an undeserved Lord. But that’s another matter).


Then there was the leadership election, where Andrea Leadsom and Theresa May were the last two standing. Leadsom ‘gifted’ the leadership to May by stepping down before there was a members vote. I can’t even begin to understand the logic of that decision. My guess is something underhand, but that’s only my opinion.


So, Theresa May became PM. She was very obviously a rabid remainer, and still is. She worked tirelessly to scupper Brexit - prolonged negotiations, and generally embarrassed the British nation. Who could forget the ‘dancing queen’? She sent a minion to sign the worldwide ‘migrant pact’, which would ensure we had an endless stream of migrants into this country, like it or not.


She was the one who ensured the Parliamentary Climate Act was railroaded through Parliament. Now she sits in the House of Lords, chirping up now and again to give her six pennorth worth with a smug grin, as much as to say, “I made sure Brexit didn’t work.” Eventually, she was ousted as PM after more squabbles and party in-fighting…again.


Along came Boris Johnson. Love him or hate him, a charismatic jolly sort of chap, who did seem to ‘connect’ with the public at large. Yes, he came across on occasions as a bumbling fool. But I’m not convinced that was strictly the case.


The upshot was, he secured a stonking majority for the Tories in the election that he won. Like it or not, it was down to him. At least he got Brexit (or Brino) over the line, of a fashion, which is more than May did.


He made the fatal mistake however, of making Rishi Sunak Chancellor. That was his undoing. No sooner were they in office, all hell broke loose worldwide with Covid-19, soon followed by the Ukrainian episode.


Knee-jerk reactions in every direction and the alleged ‘partygate’. It didn’t matter that Starmer was holding parties in Durham, with curry and beer. The media quickly buried that little gem; Sue Gray, in collusion with Starmer deemed Boris guilty on every level while secretly working for the Labour leader; pictures taken by Sunak or his cohorts (can only have been taken from No11 Downing St). So Johnson was forced to go.


Then another round of ‘rats in a sack’ fighting to elect another leader; along came Liz Truss, beating Sunak. She made the mistake of trying to do too much too quickly, although her policies, as it turns out were right - but never given a chance.


Sunak saw his opportunity; I believe, with his connections in the money markets, he engineered a pseudo (temporary) run on the money markets - to ‘look’ like Truss's policies were a disaster. She had to go and to the glee of Sunak. Along with collusion with Graham Brady (Chair of the 1922 committee at the time), Sunak was ‘installed’ as PM.


Rishi Sunak is a very rich man, he didn’t need the money paid to a PM, he had the world at his feet and could afford to put his trotters up on a beach somewhere and watch the world go by. Yet he ‘chose’, plotted and wheedled his way to No10. Why on earth would he do that? I can only assume he was part of a bigger picture (World Economic Forum, United Nations, World Health Organisation, or God knows what else).


Then of course, he called an entirely unnecessary general election (possibly to wrong-foot the other parties, but who knows?)


By now Joe Public was utterly sick to death of Tory fighting, back-biting, constant changes of leadership etc. So they wanted an alternative. The talent pool though, is extremely shallow, whichever way you look. As Labour is the dominant alternative to the Tories (at the moment), they ended up being elected. Little did we know!  Reform were indeed wrong-footed, as they didn’t expect an election so soon.


So now we have Sir Keir Starmer as Prime Minister, along with his rag-tag bunch of completely unqualified hanger's on.


What’s the very first thing they do? Scrap the Rwanda plan, which has already cost the UK millions, without even making an attempt to see if it might have some effect. Fair enough, if you try it and it doesn’t work, then scrap it - but not to even try?


The next bombshell - scrap the winter fuel payments for pensioners. Why is it that even the Tories have it in for pensioners? I hear lots of commentators say that old age pensioners are rich, with properties and huge pension pots. Not this particular pensioner - I don’t have a pot to p*** in!


Next on the agenda for Labour was to appease the Unions (huge contributors to the Labour party). Pay the train drivers £70-80k a year, with absolutely no strings attached. Pay them a £300 bonus if they work overtime! Then there are the junior doctors…settled that dispute at a stroke.


Meanwhile other Unionised organisations are queuing up holding their hands out for more money under threat of strike action…No strings.


Then there are the freebies. It seems they’re all at it in the Labour party, even Sadiq Khan - Taylor Bleedin’ Swift tickets for God’s sake!


So here we are today, with a Government that nobody really wanted.

Voted in because so many were so desperate for the Tories to be gone and who it turns out are so corrupt and malicious it doesn’t bear thinking about.


The country is now run by unqualified cretins.



© Peter Morris, 2024

Image - Daily Mirror



*Editor’s note –

By ‘ECHR’ the author means the European Court of Human Rights.

The correct initials for the court are ECtHR

ECHR stands for the European Convention on Human Rights.

Both court and convention are run by the Council of Europe, which is not connected to the EU, directly or indirectly.

While the UK left the EU, it has not left the Council of Europe and is thus still in agreement to allow the ECtHR to express a view on matters concerning Human Rights.

The ECHR is also part of UK law, having been fully incorporated into British law by the Human Rights Act 1998, brought about by the Labour government of Tony Blair. Apart from Ireland, no other EU country has done so, which is why those countries have been able to deport illegal entrants and others without any intervention by the ECtHR.



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