UK 2020
Monday November 30, 2020

In theory, the second UK lockdown of 2020 is about to end - or is it?
The new tier system, if approved by parliament, appears to be lockdown by another name, with most of the UK under the jackboot of the state. A situation found in many other countries around the world, where a previously free people now find themselves existing under a raft of legal restrictions not seen even in times of war; where governments, using powers they have given themselves, appear to be hell-bent on destroying previously viable businesses and the lives and livelihoods of ordinary people.
Kevan James photographed scenes in the south of England unfamiliar to most people today, except to those who have long memories and have lived under dictatorship and oppression in times everybody thought were long in the past.
Below - Happier days: London's Earl's Court Underground station, one of the District Line's busiest, bustles as normal a year ago.

Today: The Tube, as it it usually known, is a ghostly emptiness of subterranean passageways, deserted steps, platforms and trains.

Below: London Waterloo mainline station is one of the city's busiest...except today, save a few masked travellers (making only necessary journeys, as the government has decreed) it is a shadow of its former self and empty trains travail a country almost paralysed by an officially-induced fear.

Regional stations are bereft of their usual throng.

Whether big city or small village, people are hidden away, forbidden to venture into what government say are the virally-dangerous streets.

And as the country descends into a wasteland, is there only a bleak winter ahead?

All images © Kevan James 2019 & 2020
Do you have images from your area of the UK (or indeed elsewhere) showing the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions? Email them to us and we will publish them -
Predicting the future?
Kevan James' book, Comments of a Common Man features the threat to freedom throughout and detailed the descent into subjugation. Written well before the onset of the COVID-19 panicdemic, Edition 3 is still available from Amazon, just £9.99