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What's Happening to the World

Kevan James

October 1, 2024

As we move into Autumn (or Fall if you prefer), people can be forgiven for scratching their heads and wondering what has happened to the world. And just as importantly, what's going to happen?

It's the big question - what comes next?

Image above - (AP Photo/Fatima Shbair)

On the home front, here in the UK, the new government, elected only in July, seems hell-bent on a course of self-destruction and taking the country with it. It also seems remarkably keen on alienating some of the UK's closest allies in various ways.

Worldwide, the primary conflict making news is in the middle east, where Israel continues to pursue Hamas in Gaza, and now Iran has launched another barrage of missiles at Israel, an act which is bound to provoke some kind of response. News from the still ongoing clash in Ukraine seems to have faded somewhat but it is still just that - ongoing.

Elsewhere, numerous noteworthy people carry on pursuing everybody to cut out all manner of fossil fuels in an idealistic rush towards everything being 'green.' Which could also mean, as some have said, no more farming, no more cows and significantly, ignoring the role nature plays with trees producing the oxygen we need by their processing of the carbon so many seem to want to get rid of.

Put another way, no more carbon means no more trees, means no more oxygen means no more people.

Who is responsible for all this? That's relatively easy to answer - the same kind of people who have plunged the world into previous chaos; politicians and so-called 'leaders' (some of whom are self-appointed having never been elected).

What's different today is that in the past there were viable alternatives, sensible people who knew that the more demented among them could be restrained, most obviously by free and fair elections. Even where they weren't any elections, there was usually some semblance of realism. At the height of the cold war between the USA and the old USSR, a hot-line phone link remained in use and there were sensible people at each end.

Now? In 2024 and for a number of years previously, the only people putting themselves forward to lead their countries seem to have nothing remotely resembling common sense within themselves. All are more interested in scoring political points and feathering their own nests at the expense of those they purport to lead.

Much of this is because few of these 'leaders' have ever experienced the things that their predecessors did, and even less the experience of ordinary people's lives. All come from an upper elite, a group that has never experienced real deprivation or seen their homes and lives shattered by war.

That's why they are so keen on armed conflict - they want to prove how tough they are.

And they are far, far removed from real life. All have been cosseted, mollycoddled and brought up with theory, not reality. In the UK, even those who have had something resembling a deprived upbringing haven't really had one. No, their early lives were spent with the state paying the bills through welfare payments of one kind or another, not through hard graft and the destruction wrought by confrontation between nations.

Antwerp, Belgium in World War II.

Whatever the era, death is still death.

So what is going to happen?

One hopes that, at some point - and soon...very soon - currently absent sense will kick in and an increasing number of countries now sliding towards a massive outbreak of war will pull back from it.

Realistically? It is more likely that there will be some form of clash, although one can still hope for it to be very brief with very few killed.

Much depends on those ordinary people, who after all, make up the biggest numbers. Whatever legal and lawful means exist must be used to depose the current set of elite fantasy-loving non-entities and replace them with people drawn from those with real-life experience. People who know what it is to work all day every day just to feed themselves and have a home they can afford.

Leaders with some vision and imagination. To get them however, requires that mass of ordinary people to wake up and realise that they current mob are leading the world only to an avoidable and unnecessary doom.

© Kevan James 2024

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