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Why…Have People Not Been Held To Account?

Peter Morris

January 6, 2025



The Shame of both Labour and Conservative governments

I refuse to use the sanitised term ‘grooming gangs’ regarding the current furore over what are nothing more than child rape gangs. Comprised of predominantly Pakistani men, that is what they are. Perhaps it may be more shocking to call them child rape gangs but should their very existence not be shocking?

We all know this has been going on for well over 20 years, at the very least. It’s been highlighted by ex-police officer Maggie Oliver; it’s been commented on by Tommy Robinson (and yes, I do know his birth name) and many, many others.

Maggie Oliver is largely ignored and dismissed as something of a crank. She isn’t - she is passionate about seeing justice. As for Tommy Robinson, his name is endlessly prefixed with the term, ‘far right thug’. He’s persecuted, hounded, jailed, stuck in solitary confinement and prosecuted for having breakfast in a café.

He was pepper-sprayed by police when already handcuffed and showing no signs of resistance. And on top of that, he has been jailed for 18 months for the serious crime of showing a documentary; a factual documentary, highlighting Government corruption and collusion.

That’s what you get for speaking out against national political or even local corruption. Under this government, you get affirmative action to silence anyone who’s a bit more vocal than others.

Conceivably, I could even be a target myself. As can anybody who speaks out on social media or elsewhere.

Jess Phillips (A Labour ‘safeguarding’ Minister) has decreed that there won’t be a national independent inquiry into the rape gangs, but prefers one to be carried out locally.  I wonder why that would be – actually, no, I don’t need to wonder.

It’s so that the outcome can be very easily stifled and silenced. Whereas if it a national thing, it’s really difficult to cover it up, and of course key players will be deep in the doo-doo.

The head player of course is one Keir Starmer, who was Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) at the relevant time, the DPP who buried it and did so very deliberately. In all honesty, I’m not too clued up about other places in the country, but in terms of Rotherham I am, as I used to work there. I read the Jay report and was totally horrified that a minimum of 1,400 children were systematically raped by these gangs.

They were trafficked, hawked around from place to place and totally dehumanised. These young girls were treated like lumps of meat. More and more details are seeping out as time goes on, and it’s quite frankly more loathsome than I am capable of expressing with mere words.

The powers that be at the time advised police to avoid prosecutions, because it might raise racial tensions in those areas, notably said to include then Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Only he can say if he really did but one oft-quoted comment from elsewhere suggested if it was consensual then there was no need to bother.

Consensual - 11 year olds? And even 15 year olds? It’s just too repulsive to contemplate. If you are reading this and agree that 11 year old children can give consent, then YOU are part of the problem.

This has been going on, right in front of our noses for so many years. But ‘little people’ like me, didn’t seem to be able to do anything, and up until now, didn’t have a real voice, that might make any difference. Now, of course we can shout from the rooftops and hopefully make a little bit of noise via social media.

These days, and I have no idea why or how, I find myself with a decent number of followers on X. So, I have a little voice which might possibly be heard by the big boys and girls, and maybe make the guilty squirm a bit.

The pressure has been ramped up immeasurably with Elon Musk putting in his ten penny worth into the equation. Musk’s comments are making people sit up and listen. I really don’t care that he’s not a Brit…Wasn’t born here and some people see it as meddling in our affairs. Who cares? He knows the difference between right and wrong. That’s all it takes. Personally, I’m very glad he’s getting involved.

Then of course, there is issue of a National Public Enquiry into these vile practices. In all likelihood, perpetrators will be long since retired or dead before the ‘enquiry’ concludes that “lessons will be learnt”.  That’s the reality – after all it took 32 years for the ninety-six Liverpool fans who lost their lives at Hillsborough to get justice.

Jess Phillips’s denial of a Government Inquiry is merely delaying tactics. Kicking the can down the road, as the saying goes. She’s been coached very well. She will agree to it eventually, with enough pressure. But it won’t amount to anything.

I see that Kemi Badenoch (the new Tory leader) has now waded into the debacle and declared there ‘has to be’ an ‘enquiry’. How convenient…now the Tories are not in Government. It seriously annoys me.

They had fourteen years to do something about it, but chose to do nothing.

Meanwhile, it’s still happening today, even as I write these words, and as long as blind eyes are turned, as long as those in authority look the other way, it isn’t going to stop any time soon.

© Peter Morris 2025.

Image - Getty via the BBC

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